
Speed Class

This competition is the "blue ribbon event" within the Vertical Up!

Each athlete tackles the legendary original Streif descent vertically, as quickly as possible, with free choice of equipment. Everything is permitted, as long as everything in the race is powered by the athlete's own strength.

Classification: Male / Female
Timing and Ranking: Yes
Prizes: A total of 1,360 EUR prize money for both male and female winners



1. place 500 EUR
2. place 350 EUR
3. place 200 EUR
4. place 140 EUR
5. place 100 EUR
6. place 70 EUR

Backpack class

This competition is the "ultimate fun contest" within the Vertical Up!

Each athlete tackles the Familienstreif vertically at their own pace with free choice of equipment.

The only requirement: A backpack, including its contents (or whatever is left of it), must be carried to the finish line. The contents of the backpack are the starter pack.

Timing and ranking: Only timing is recorded; ranking is done alphabetically. The winner is the participant who comes closest to the average time of all starters!

Winners: This year, there will again be an amazing grand prize for the top 3 positions (regardless of gender) in this category!

District "Hogmoar" Ranking – powered by Gerberei Niederkofler

Who is the fastest in the speed class from the Kitzbühel district and will become the Vertical Up Hogmoar?

Win Niederkofler vouchers (for positions 1-3, male/female) and, as the winner, have the honour of being the bearer of the unique Vertical Up Hogmoar Ranzen for one year.

Requirements: Primary residence in the Kitzbühel district.


Best dressed contest

The best dressed contest is a fun competition, and the best costume will win a prize.

You can participate individually or as a team. Please present yourselves in costume at the K3 KitzKongress during the bib number distribution. Additionally, you will be judged at the finish line.

We look forward to your creative ideas!

Team Competition

The team with the most participants in the entire field will win 500 EUR in cash.
